Stain Ability

We've all heard about sustainability, but my husband thought a good "catch word" is "Stain Ability" and I agree. This blog is about how to leave your green stains all over your world and your life. Let's start cleaning up the world by leaving a new kind of mark! One that makes the world better than when you came into it. I hope to share our inspirations as to how we are trying to make those new kinds of stains, but also our admirations for those who are doing that already (and doing it well!)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Re-use: Cards! Cards! Cards!

In the past couple of years I've had two kids, which has multiplied the intake of cards in this house by ten.  No, not two, like you would think, ten because kids get more cards than adults do.  And my sister (I love her... can you find the fro pic in the pic above?!) believes that cards should be sent for every special occasion and non-special occasion to each of my three children.  And I love getting cards, but have you ever noticed that after you appreciate that FABULOUS card for a while (and I have a special place in my kitchen where I hang them up until the next batch arrives) you feel absolutely terrible throwing it away?  Especially if it's exceptionally artsy or cute or funny.

So I don't buy cards anymore.  I re-use them.  I started at Christmas this year, and have now gone into full card making mode.  Here are some from this past week:

And if you happened to have sent me one of the cards I've cut up - thank you!

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