Stain Ability

We've all heard about sustainability, but my husband thought a good "catch word" is "Stain Ability" and I agree. This blog is about how to leave your green stains all over your world and your life. Let's start cleaning up the world by leaving a new kind of mark! One that makes the world better than when you came into it. I hope to share our inspirations as to how we are trying to make those new kinds of stains, but also our admirations for those who are doing that already (and doing it well!)

Friday, May 13, 2011


Here is where I will simply place links that have left me inspired or that I've been inspired to go look at!

Big Ideas for a Small Planet - this link it to a show that has been very inspirational to Brandon and me.  It basically gives you a new perspective on how to be greener and how that can leak into all aspects of life.  Art, Business, Kids, Industry, etc.  VERY COOL!

The Great Energy Challenge - found this link in a National Geographic I got from the doctor's office.  It calculates your carbon footprint and shows you the average American family's carbon footprint and how you compare.  A good place too start.

Bonded Logic - I wish these were made locally, but this is a website to a company in Arizona that make insulation out of old jeans.  Talk about CLEAN.  Keep your house warm/cool and don't end up getting itchy or inhaling chemicals while installing it!

JD Stratton Electric, Inc - I had this electrician come and talk to my class when I was teaching engineering at Catholic Central.  Totally down to earth guy making a living doing what he loves.  He makes sustainable energy seem much more within reach for the average joe.

Green Carbon Living - Found this link through a friend on Facebook.  I use Fuzzi Bunz, but this is even more green... just not local (to me).  So if you are thinking about cloth diapers, give it a look!

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